PinnedPublished inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamTop 4 wallets of the DotSama ecosystem. Browser and mobile versions.Crypto wallets are an important application for everyone interested in securing crypto assets. Therefore, crypto-asset owners must do due…Apr 7, 2022Apr 7, 2022
Published inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamHydraDX — Polkadot’s Multi-Headed Liquidity Monster. Token Transfer from HydraDX.I think it’s important to start by explaining the structure of Polkadot ecosystem so that you can understand the essence of the blockchain…Nov 14, 2023Nov 14, 2023
HydraDX — Polkadot’s Multi-Headed Liquidity Monster. Трансфер токенов на/из HydraDX.Думаю для начала, стоит объяснить структуру, после понимание которой, вы поймете суть и смысл обменщиков по типу HydraDX в экосистеме…Nov 13, 2023Nov 13, 2023
Как завести и вывести USDT (Asset Hub) to HydraDX Omnipool используя биржу Binance. 26, 2023May 26, 2023
Published inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamBifrost question-and-answer blitz Recap.That means it’s time for a question-and-answer blitz! Four questions and four answers for our community! The questions will be answered by…Dec 7, 2022Dec 7, 2022
Published inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamBifrost and Moonriver new opportunities to earn!Bifrost chose Moonbeam to leverage its underlying Parachain infrastructure and cross-chain integration to gain quick market access.Nov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022
Published inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamInvArch Ambassador Program Updates. What type of work does an InvArch Ambassador do?The InvArch team decided to update their Ambassador Program, also known as InvArch Embassy. They abandoned the point system and decided to…Aug 8, 2022Aug 8, 2022
Published inPolkadot Ecosystem PromoTeamPromoTeam 2022 Halfway Results. The review of the Q1 & Q2.This year is one of the brightest year in the whole history of the Polkadot ecosystem. (Check the big events — XCMv2 launch, parachains…Jul 28, 2022Jul 28, 2022
Limes News. Coinversation | InvArch | Astar | Moonbeam & Moonriver | Moonbeam | InterlayA new week and new events in the Polkadot ecosystem! Polkadot Decoded, the highlight of this year, is getting closer and closer! If you…Jun 20, 2022Jun 20, 2022
Limes News. Kabocha | InvArch | Mangata | OAK | Moonbeam | Parachain Mascots.Another busy week in the ecosystem! Hackathon workshops are is in full swing at Polkadot, new parachains are joining the ecosystem, and the…Jun 12, 2022Jun 12, 2022