Successful Cross-Chain Message Passing Transaction on Polkadot Testnet. HydraDX , Plasm Network and Acala have successfully completed a cross-chain token transfer on Rococo
Acala this month is one of the brightest Polkadot stars. Several historic events have taken place this week:
1) transferred Plasm’s token cross-chain using XCMP (cross-chain message passing) functionality.
2) transferred HydraDX token cross-chain using XCMP (cross-chain message passing) functionality.
The first-ever parachain transaction on Rococo is a very important milestone for the ecosystem, and we congratulate the Plasm and Acala teams!
Sota from Plasm couldn’t hide his emotions after making significant progress and we’re happy to see it as well.
Do you want to know about this event more? You can read the article of Dan Reecer about this event, with a lot of interesting details, check the link
On March 4, another historic event occurred. HydraDX a cross-chain liquidity protocol, and Acala have successfully completed a cross-chain token transfer on testnet using xcmp!
Jakub Co-founder @hydra_dx in his twitter account, he commented on this event as:
You have only 2 types of projects in crypto:
1. those pushing forward open source innovations
2. those pushing only marketing and promises to their communities
Now that we have completed a cross-chain token transfer, we are one step closer to Kusama parachains starting to go live.
About Acala
Acala is the decentralized financial hub and stablecoin of Polkadot that makes it fast and easy to use or build financial applications, improving trading efficiency and saving time. The platform offers a suite of financial primitives: a multi-collateralized stablecoin backed by cross-chain assets like Bitcoin, a trustless staking derivative, and a decentralized exchange to unleash liquidity and power financial innovations. Acala is the de-facto open platform for finance applications to use smart contracts or built-in protocols with out-of-the-box cross-chain capabilities and robust security.
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